Linkstation LS-HGL起動不能 ― 2012年03月22日 01時54分46秒
久々のLinkstationネタ。 玄箱HGで対応したHDDスピンアップ時間が足りずに起動できない問題。LinkStationでも遭遇。根本原因はコンデンサの不良でしょうが、だませないかなぁなどと思って日食が終わるまでは保留。 とりあえず起動しなくなったのでログを記しておきます。HDDはWD20EARS。
Orion1 CPU = Low Checking DATA BUS Checking ADDRESS BUS > Checking hardware info ... === Strap status : 0x00800030 === === H/W boardId : 0x23 === === boardId : 0x1b === === micon_support: off === > OK. === BUFFALO LS-HGL U-Boot. === ** LOADER ** ** BUFFALO BOARD: BUFFALO_BOARD_LS_HGL LE (CFG_ENV_ADDR=fffff000) U-Boot 1.1.1 (May 27 2008 - 19:18:26) Marvell version: 1.12.1 - TINY Buffalo Version: 1.17-1.00 DRAM CS[0] base 0x00000000 size 128MB DRAM Total size 128MB [256kB@fffc0000] Flash: 256 kB Addresses 20M - 0M are saved for the U-Boot usage. Mem malloc Initialization (20M - 16M): Done Soc: 88F5182 A2 CPU: ARM926 (Rev 0) running @ 400Mhz Orion 1 streaming disabled SysClock = 250Mhz , TClock = 166Mhz USB 0: host mode PCI 0: PCI Express Root Complex Interface PCI 1: Conventional PCI, speed = 33000000 Net: egiga0 [PRIME] Using 88E1118 phy buffalo_change_power_status > Read 0x5c buffalo_IsStopAtUbootStatus > MagicKey=0x5c buffalo_change_power_status > Read 0x5c buffalo_change_power_status > Read 0x5c buffalo_change_power_status > Writing 0x5c Please Press HDD power button to continue ... buffalo_change_power_status > Read 0x5c buffalo_change_power_status > Writing 0x3a Marvell Serial ATA Adapter Integrated Sata device found [0 0]: failed to perform ATA Identify command Failed initializing storage deivce connected to SATA channel 0 HDD is not found